Volunteer Possibilities in Akron and Ephrata Area
Churches Phone
Akron Community Church 717-859-2156
Akron Grace Church 717-859-2700
Akron Mennonite Church 717-859-1488
Akron United Zion 717-859-2424
Bible Baptist Church 717-859-1303
Cultivate Community Church 717-859-5415
Dove Westgate Church 717-721-3775
Ephrata Church of the Brethren 717-733-1229
Grace Fellowship Church of Ephrata 717-733-2797
Highpoint Community Church 717-733-2628
Hope United Methodist Church 717-738-3774
LCBC Ephrata 717-733-0711
Mount Zion Church 717-859-2828
New Life Fellowship 717-738-0963
Pilgrims Mennonite 717-859-2986
Victory Church 717-239-5077
Zion Lutheran Church 717-859-2100
A Million Thanks
- www.amillionthanks.org send a letter of appreciation to active, reserve, and veteran military members.
Akron Lions Club
- akronpalions@gmail.com many volunteer opportunities are available for special fundraising events.
Akron Volunteer Fire Company
- 717-859-1351 www.akronfire.org go to membership application.
Art of Recycle
- 717-466-6966 www.artofrecycle.org go to volunteer page.
Ephrata Cloister
- 717-733-6600 Ephrata1732@gmail.com
Ephrata Public Library
- 717-738-9291 www.ephratapubliclibrary.org go to volunteer page for many possibilities. Look for link to Background Checks. Suggestion: Adopt a Shelf program allows for time flexibility.
Ephrata Area Social Services
- 717-733-0345 www.ephrataareasocialservices.org go to Get Involved, volunteer application.
Ephrata Manor
- 717-738-4940 Need volunteers for Family and Friends Festival, May 16 2:00-5:00, or Fridays for activities 6:00-8:00. Background check necessary. Contact Amy.
Hugs for Soldiers
- www.hugsforsoldiers.org send cards to deployed soldiers overseas via Duluth First United Methodist Church.
Luminary Walk (Pilgrims Mennonite)
- 717-466-4218 tgburnett@gmail.com (Tina) 2nd Saturday in December. Needs: assisting walkers, serving snacks, play music or organize vocal or instrumental groups.
Mennonite Central Committee
- 717-859-1151 www.mcc.org for young adult volunteer opportunities application.
Peters Porch Clothing Sorting
- Jeanette Beck jbeck125b@yahoo.com
Peters Porch Food Packing
- 717-859-2100
ReUzit on State
- 717-733-4934 www.reuzitonstate.org click on more, volunteer.